Feb 19, 2009 - 4 Weeks Old

Sombero’s & Marachi’s = PARTY !!!!

The Fiesta Litter has turned up the rhythm and are starting to party ALL NIGHT LONG !!!! They are wild things and are high energy go getters in short bursts of about 15 –20 minutes followed by high intensity power naps which last at least an hour or two!!! Best of all they are learning to PLAY with each other – lots of mouthing and chewing on each other’s feet and tail and ears!!! Sometimes they accidentally chew on their own feet, which is a good learning experience for them as well!!! It is very, very cute to watch them learn to play. The whelping box is getting too small for them and I will be setting up their puppy play pen soon so they have more room to RUN!!

Mini Me is getting pretty well sick of them now and will not lie down to feed them anymore, so they chow hanging off of her!!! Looks very, very uncomfortable to me!! J She only feeds them 2-3 times a day, which is fine as they are eating puppy mush very well 3- 4 times a day too. Even the weekly toenail trim doesn’t help because they have TEETH!!! Not completely in yet, but very definitely they have them and are learning how to USE them!!!

Still no dermoids – I think we are home FREE on that one! The Fiesta’s are a very healthy, genetically clean litter of pups. All have PERFECT, beautiful ridges, no excessive white, teeth are looking good so far!! I am thrilled with the quality of the pups and once again so proud of their parents!!! So far, the only faults are just a few kinked tails. ‘Kinked’ is sort of a strong term, but the one used amongst breeders. As I’ve mentioned, most are a result of being squished before birth. Generally, you can feel, but not SEE, a bump in the tail at birth, and it may get a little better with age. None are so severe that the tail goes off at 90 degree angles or anything, or are cork screwed like some breeds!! Nothing can be done to ‘fix’ it – just one of those things that make them unique!!

We did have a couple of boo boo’s this week. Mini Me stepped on the foot of little Gordita, and she said it hurt!! Just a little swelling, no broken bones, but she likes to hold it up and baby it so we are letting her. I made little splints and kept it wrapped to protect it for a few days and it is getting better each day. Not sure how this happened, a toenail no doubt, but another litter girl, Chimichunga, got poked in the eye so she’s been getting eye ointment every few hours to help heal it. My vet and my brother, an eye surgeon, both looked at it and said it was just a scratch and she can see just fine out of it. It’s always something!!

Let me introduce you to the FIESTA LITTER!!

Pet Females:

Chalupa – light mask, very little white, kink tail
Chimichunga – dark mask, big spot on chest, kink tail, eye scratch

Perfect Females:

Salsa – light mask, big spot on chest
Chili – med mask, big spot on chest, white left front foot
Gordita – light mask, almost no white anywhere, ouchey foot
Empanada – light mask, tiny bar across chest

Pet Males:

Taco – dark mask, taco shape chest mark, kink tail
Tortilla – dark mask, big spot on chest, kink tail

Perfect Males:

Nacho – light mask, tent shape on chest, white right front foot
Burrito – med mask, lightning stripe on chest
Relleno – med mask, big spot on chest
Fajita – dark mask, big spot on chest

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